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Releases: Trivadis/plsql-cop-cli

db* CODECOP v5.0.1

26 Mar 17:01
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PL/SQL & SQL Grammar

  • Parse error in searched case expression (#30)
  • Parse error when using PL/SQL mod operator (#31)
  • Parse error in json_object with pretty, ascii options (#32)
  • Parse error using self instead of table name in %type declaration (#33)


  • Default filter considers partial matching file extensions (#29)

Validators / Examples

  • Missing </blockquote> in SQL Script of G-3330: Avoid autonomous transaction #28

db* CODECOP v5.0.0

20 Mar 16:29
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New / Changed

PL/SQL & SQL Grammar

  • Support New Features/Changes in SQL Grammar 23c (#23)

  • Support New Features/Changes in PL/SQL Grammar 23c (#22)

  • Support New Features/Changes in SQL*Plus Grammar 23c (#20)

  • Support New Features/Changes in SQLcl Grammar 23.4 (#21)

  • The use as unquoted identifiers has been restricted for the following keywords:

    • escape (as custom data type)
    • final (as custom data type)
    • member (as column alias, custom data type)
    • running (as custom data type)
    • table (everywhere except data type)

    Please note that a parsing error caused by the use of a keyword as an unquoted identifier is not considered a db* CODECOP bug, see also Use of Keywords


  • All validator checks are based on PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 4.4.
  • All validator checks are updated based on changes in the underlying grammar
  • Implemented new guideline G-3330: Avoid autonomous transactions.
  • Registered new guideline G-4387: Never use a FOR LOOP for a query that should return not more than one row.
  • Do not report G-7440 when in out is used for self as part of a fluent API (#27)

License File

  • A new license file is required for this version
  • Included preview/trial license is valid thru 2025-01-01

db* CODECOP v4.5.0

22 Jan 13:31
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New / Changed


  • Consider function definitions in package spec and object type spec not considered for "Number of Functions" metric (Azure DevOps 65459)


  • Do not report G-8210 violations for views owned by SYS (#18)
  • Configure guidelines via System properties (Azure DevOps 65421)
    • cop.1050.threshold: Default 2. Defines the threshold (less than) before a G-1050 violation is reported.
    • cop.2185.threshold: Default 4. Defines the threshold (less than) before a G-2185 violation is reported.
    • cop.2410.boolean.strings: Default: true, false, t, f, 0, 1, 2, yes, no, y, n, ja, nein, j, si, s, oui, non, o, l_true, l_false, co_true, co_false, co_numeric_true, co_numeric_false. Defines the literals that represent a boolean value to identify violations of G-2410.
    • cop.5050.threshold.from: Default 20000. Defines the lower bound of an error number (greater or equal than, positive value) in guideline G-5050
    • Default 20999. Defines the upper bound of an error number (less or equal than, positive value) in guideline G-5050
    • cop.7210.threshold: Default: 2000. Defines the threshold (less than) before a G-7210 violation is reported.
    • Define constant remediation cost per issue for all guidelines (Azure DevOps 65461)
      • 1 Minute, easy, can be done mechanically e.g. via refactoring support in the IDE (rename local variable)
      • 5 Minutes, local change, but needs some simple other tasks (understanding code, lookup alternatives in the manual, etc.)
      • 10 Minutes, local or distributed change, might need a bit more work/analysis, e.g. rewrite query to ANSI SQL-92 join syntax or identifying loose or dense arrays
      • 60 Minutes, requires logic and or structure change, e.g. storing PK columns instead of ROWIDs



  • Invalid JSON format produced in tvdcc_report.json when the message contains double quotes (#24)

Grammars (plsql)

  • Parse error when using table function in using_clause auf merge statement (Azure DevOps 68619)

    Using a table function as in the following example is not documented

    merge into t
    using f() s
       on ( =
     when matched then
             set t.c1 = s.c1;

    This fix caused a change in the underlying model. Validators using the usingClause.getTable() need to use now usingClause.getQte().getQteName() to access the table name in the using_clause of the merge statement. See also Trivadis/plsql-cop-validators@1cf838f


  • False positive for G-7430 in functions when the declare section contains other functions (#15)
  • False positive for G-6020 when dynamic SQL is not an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement (#16)
  • Duplicate issues for G-7430 in standalone functions (#15)
  • Highlighting the area of G-7460 violations is too extensive for standalone functions (#17)
  • False positive for G-3120 when using star * (#19)
  • False positive for G-3183 when using table alias or table (#26)

db* CODECOP v4.4.2

15 Dec 13:20
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Grammars (sqlplus)

  • #14 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when analysing an empty file

db* CODECOP v4.4.0

04 Oct 17:57
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New / Changed



  • All validator checks are based on PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 4.3.
  • New guidelines, applicable in an Oracle Database 23c only:
    • G-3182: Always specify column names instead of positional references in GROUP BY clauses.
    • G-3183: Always specify column aliases instead of expressions in GROUP BY clauses.
  • Updated guideline G-1050: Avoid using literals in your code.
    • An issue reported only when the threshold number per literal is reached.
    • The default threshold is 2, this means no issue is reported if a literal is used once within a file.
    • The default threshold can be overridden via the Java system property cop.1050.threshold.
  • Updated guideline G-8310: Always validate input parameter size by assigning the parameter to a size limited variable in the declaration section of program unit.
    • Violations are reported only when the parameter type contains char, dec, interval, number, numeric, %type.
    • For these data types the length is not defined and therefore assigning it to a size limited variable makes sense.
    • However, for %type definitions there are still false positives possible when the underlying data type does not contain a size limiting component.
    • %type definitions cannot be resolved with static code analysis based on a single file scope.
  • Updated severity (blocker, critical, major, minor, info) of most guidelines.
    • Assessing the maintenance cost leads to a severity between info and critical, but never blocker.
    • If a violation of an issue may impact the resource usage (CPU, memory, runtime performance) the severity is at least critical.
    • If a violation of an issue may lead to an incorrect result or a runtime exception the severity is defined as blocker. The issue is considered a bug.
  • Private methods in validators are declared now as protected to simplify overriding them in custom validators.


  • Updated PL/SQL editor plugin for Eclipse.



  • Parse error when using overriding in a map member function in type body


db* CODECOP v4.3.1

20 Jan 09:52
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  • PLSQLCOP-441: G-3120: False positive when using local variables in the select list
  • PLSQLCOP-440: G-7130:False positives for method calls

SonarQube Plugin Library

db* CODECOP v4.3.0

02 Sep 20:12
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Based on PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 4.2


  • PLSQLCOP-435: Allow expression in to_yminterval function

    The SQL Language Reference defines the syntax as follows:


    Based on that only strings can be passed as first argument to the function. However, it's possible to pass an expression, even if it is not documented. The PL/SQL parser has been changed accordingly.

Library Dependencies

  • PLSQLCOP-419: Update Eclipse Xtext and Xtend from 2.25.0 to 2.27.0



  • PLSQLCOP-418: G-4130 false positive when cursor is closed in if branch
  • PLSQLCOP-427: G-7730 false positive when using sql%buik_exceptions as parameter of a procedure/function call
  • PLSQLCOP-428: G-7150 false positive for parameters in sql_macro (disable this check for SQL macros)
  • PLSQLCOP-435: G-4395 false positive when lower bound is 1
  • PLSQLCOP-438: G-1030 false negative when same variable/constant/exception name is defined in multiple contexts

db* CODECOP v4.2.4

18 May 17:23
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  • Included preview/trial license is valid thru 2022-12-31

db* CODECOP v4.2.3

14 Dec 17:43
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db* CODECOP v4.2.2

28 Sep 12:30
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  • Included preview/trial license is valid thru 2022-04-01



  • PLSQLCOP-400: G-5080: false positive when using format_error_backtrace