
Formatting SQL Code Blocks in Markdown Files

Introduction Everything Changes. Our Trivadis SQL & PL/SQL Coding Guidelines are no exceptions. We plan to change rule #1 of our coding styles. From “Keywords are written uppercase, names are written in lowercase.”  to “Keywords and names are written in lowercase.“. We have 103 Markdown files and most of them contain several […]

Formatting SQL Scripts in a Directory Tree with SQLcl

Introduction Oracle’s SQL Developer can format code in any worksheet and PL/SQL editor. The formatter is highly configurable and the default formatting results are becoming better with every version. Oracle’s SQLcl is a command-line tool. It’s a stripped-down version of SQL Developer and is known as a user-friendly alternative for SQL*Plus. But […]

Syntax Highlighting With SQL Developer

Introduction A customer asked me if it is possible to show unused identifiers in SQL Developer. Since there is no PL/SQL compile warning for that, you might be tempted to say no. But you can always use PL/SQL Cop for static code analysis. Guideline G-1030 deals with variables and constants and guideline […]

Formatting Code With SQL Developer

Introduction I started using SQL Developer in 2013. Back then version 4.0 was the latest and greatest. But the capabilities of the formatter were disappointing. In 2017 Oracle released version 4.2 with a new formatter and has been improving it ever since. Version 19.2 brought us dynamic JavaScript actions within the parse-tree […]