
SmartDB as of 2018-08-21

Introduction This is a transcription of the recorded Ask TOM #SmartDB Office Hours from August 21, 2018, where Bryn Llewellyn presented an updated, narrow definition of the Smart Database Paradigm (SmartDB). It covers the time between 05:55 to 12:19. A big thank you to Bryn for taking the time to clarify the SmartDB definition. […]

SmartDB as of 2018-06-12

This is a transcription of Bryn Llewellyn’s talk Guarding Your Data Behind a Hard Shell PL/SQL API—the Detail recorded at Kscope18. It covers the time between 08:06 to 11:03. This definition was the starting position for my previous SmartDB and PinkDB-related posts. In the meantime, Bryn provided an updated, narrow definition of the Smart […]

Use the Database as Persistence Layer Only

Using the database as a persistence layer only is an anti-pattern. Praful Todkar applies this anti-pattern in How to extract a data-rich service from a monolith. Martin Fowler reviewed this article and published it on his website. Hence it is highly visible. I generally agree with the approach. However, I cannot agree […]

The Pink Database Paradigm (PinkDB)

1. Introduction The Pink Database paradigm (PinkDB) is an application architecture for database-centric applications. It focuses on relational database systems and is vendor-neutral. The principles are based on the ideas of SmartDB, with some adaptions that make PinkDB easier to apply in existing development environments. An important feature of a PinkDB application […]

Is Your Application SmartDB?

I recently had a few discussions regarding the Smart Database Paradigm (SmartDB) with long-standing customers, new customers, partners, competitors and colleagues. Some people think that using APEX and PL/SQL in their database application is SmartDB. But it is not that simple. Bryn Llewelyn defined the term “Smart Database Paradigm” (SmartDB) in his talk Guarding […]

How to Prove That Your SmartDB App Is Secure

If you are guarding your data behind a hard shell PL/SQL API as Bryn Llewellyn, Toon Koppelaars and others recommend, then it should be quite easy to prove, that your PL/SQL application is secured against SQL injection attacks. The basic idea is 1) that you do not expose data via tables nor views […]