
Moving to GitHub

Over the years, my blog has become one big mess. It was no longer a blog. It contained product pages, change logs, software downloads, FAQs and even a forum. That was a nice experiment. But now it’s time to move everything that doesn’t belong in my personal blog to another place. A […]

Get Ready for Oracle 12.2

The Oracle Database 12.2 grammar is now supported in the most current versions of PL/SQL Cop, PL/SQL Cop for SQL Developer, PL/SQL Cop for SonarQube and PL/SQL Analyzer. The following screenshot shows a query based on analytic views. Have a look at the full example on Oracle Live SQL, if you are interested in analytic views. […]

Update for PL/SQL Cop and PL/SQL Analyzer

Some people asked me to announce the availability of new versions of products on my website. I guess a blog entry and a Twitter announcement should do the job. Today I’ve released the following three updates: These products are always affected by a  grammar change to SQL*Plus, SQL or PL/SQL. The goal is to […]

Ready for Oracle 12c

The Oracle 12c grammar is now supported in the new versions of the Trivadis CodeChecker, CodeChecker for SQL Developer and CodeAnalyzer. The following example code, copied from a colleague at Trivadis, shows how to insert rows while querying a view. This might not be the most appropriate way to implement auditing, but it shows in a […]

Column-less Table Access

While writing some JUnit tests after fixing bugs in dependency analysis views, I came up with the following query: The first view tvd_object_usage_v contains all table/view usages per object. The second view tvd_object_col_usages_v contains all column usages per object. The idea was to check the completeness of the second view tvd_object_col_usages_v. I […]

Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeAnalyzer Released

A month ago I talked about “Extending the Oracle Data Dictionary for Fine-Grained PL/SQL and SQL Analysis” during the ODTUG Kscope13 conference in New Orleans. Oracle data dictionary views as DBA_IDENTIFIERS or DBA_DEPENDENCIES are in many cases sufficient to analyze static PL/SQL and SQL code within the Oracle database. But what if more […]